We've teamed up with friend and designer Leslie Trimbach, to illustrate the imagery of our top selling wax seal jewelry line. This has been a slow work in progress but we’re almost ready for the big reveal! Consider this a sneak peek of our new meaning cards that will accompany our wax seal jewelry. Each one is a work of art that can be collected and displayed individually or together as your own personal Story Board.
Check out the links below for design ideas and inspiration!
A detailed skull wax seal necklace with a wonderful Latin motto "Memento Mori", translated to "Remember your Mortality", a reminder to live life well. This wax seal pendant is a reminder that life is short, live it well! Words to live by every day.
The Thistle has a story to tell......
A thousand years ago, during the Vikings invasion of Scotland, an advancing enemy warrior stepped on a thistle and cried out in pain inadvertently waking the sleeping Scotsmen. Scottish King Kenneth III was so grateful that he adopted the thistle as his nation's emblem.
The Thistlesymbolizes strength, unity and friendship, perfect for gifting to a best friend, mom, a sister, even symbolic for men.
A tiny heart representing love, flanked by laurel leaves which symbolize one's hopes and dreams....guided by a shining north star.... love guides me...love guides the way.
This seal represents love and it's journey.
Pictured is a rabbit leaping over an obstacle with the Latin motto SPES VINCIT THRONUM - "Hope Conquers" or "As Long as I have Hope I Will Conquer All Obstacles". In Heraldry the rabbit represents the wisdom that makes strength from weakness, one should never underestimate a rabbit.
This seal is a reminder that hope conquers all obstacles. Never lose hope.
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.